FAQ Point of sale (POS) Old
Hits: 3587
Analyze report for SMS / text message sent
Hits: 8021
On screen signature / activate electronic signature
Hits: 8270
How to purchase used vehicle and add it to the inventory?
Hits: 5812
How to create special category for used vehicles?
Hits: 6874
Suggested purchase list - color code
Hits: 5791
How to send text messages from your Shop Management Software
Hits: 5447
How to send SMS messages
Hits: 3394
How to create SMS templates
Hits: 6701
How to activate the SMS function for a particular customer
Hits: 4742
Summary of new customers with charts - V7.0
Hits: 3387
Sales analysis report with charts - V7.0
Hits: 4306
Monthly / Yearly sales report with charts - V7.0
Hits: 7213
Monthly sales report by product with charts - V7.0
Hits: 4800
Advertising on invoices - V7.1
Hits: 3420
Sales report by advisor with average and charts
Hits: 5764
Sales report by payment method with charts - V7.1
Hits: 5552
Sales report by clerk with charts - V7.1
Hits: 4229
Sales summary report by category with charts - V7.1
Hits: 4580
Get paid anywhere by credit card using your mobile and Square
Hits: 5391
Table of content - FAQ
Hits: 27398
Managing inactive customers and deleting them - V7.0
Hits: 6732
Display discount on invoice
Hits: 7914
Reprint or email an invoice from a work order in the history
Hits: 8633
Modify the logo that appears on the packing shipping slip
Hits: 5851
Performing a return on a new, guaranteed or defective
Hits: 7914
Use the old core option to manage returns
Hits: 7411
Configure the supplier check specification template
Hits: 6452
Manage car rentals according to the vehicle’s mileage
Hits: 5956
Schedule of rental of tools & equipment in your software
Hits: 6151
Create a quick list of preferred items to add to an estimate
Hits: 2878
Managing how internal notes are displayed in POS, calendar and punch clock
Hits: 9165
Understanding the different reminder templates to send
Hits: 8916
Activate color labels for the customer's line of credit
Hits: 8119
How to Activate and Configure the Cash Drawer?
Hits: 5972
Modify/reverse a payment method of invoice before end of day
Hits: 7702
How to activate the preventative maintenance by model
Hits: 7249
How to add money to your cash drawer during the day
Hits: 6605
How to use Gift Cards / Rebate / Discount
Hits: 7080
Send statements, estimates and invoices to different email
Hits: 11159
How to create a category in GEM-CAR
Hits: 15111
How to run Teamviewer - Portable ?
Hits: 8570
Wired vs Wireless Networking in the Shop
Hits: 5829
How to record payments for a supplier paid by VISA and Mastercard
Hits: 5793
Updating Service Packs with Windows 8
Hits: 5441
Updating Service Packs with Windows 7
Hits: 5798
Getting ready to install GEM-CAR
Hits: 7442
Importing inventory products from Excel or CSV files
Hits: 12820
Canadian Tax rate by province
Hits: 6609
Minimum System Requirements
Hits: 5240