GEM-CAR, opening up to new horizons.
The entire GEM-CAR team is very proud to be on the front page of "Le Garagiste" for the month
of December 2019.
GEM-CAR, the supplier of computer management platforms for mechanical workshops, is
experiencing remarkable growth in Canada and intends to attack the North American continent
from its new head office.
Located in a completely renovated building in Montreal, the new facilities, decorated with a
contrast of charm and modernity, have been designed for the high efficiency of operations.
This oasis also offers members of the current team an exceptionally pleasant working environment and facilitates recruitment. Six new representatives have just
joined the team in the first week of January.
“We are growing and needed facilities to attract new talent. Our objective is to go from 30 new
clients per month to 60 or 80 new signings for the same period ” said Mathieu Brunel,

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