Here is the list of things to do at the end of the month:

In general, you should :

  1. Generated interest on receivables/accounts receivable, FAQ... 
  2. Sending statement by email, FAQ...
  3. Send reminder letter, FAQ...
  4. Manage reminder statistics, FAQ... 
  5. Evaluate your potential revenues per month from “proposed & re-scheduled”, FAQ...
  6. Enter payroll transactions, FAQ ...
  7. Changing period, FAQ...
  8. Tax report, FAQ...

Accounting transaction   

  1. Print a summary of transactions (from the accounting section report) and input them in your accounting software, FAQ... 
  2. Sales and purchases receipts (PDF and Excel), * How to export a report to Excel or PDF * 
  3. List of the monthly checks (yes every check should have a date so you can perform conciliation in your accounting software), FAQ... 
  4. Take out a detailed distribution report (Summary of accounting transactions) in PDF and Excel, FAQ...      

Why aren't the distributions and sales reports properly balanced?

  • Pull an aged report from accounts payable, FAQ...  
  • Get an age report of accounts receivable, FAQ...

    (If a user created an invoice with an earlier date you could easily trace it by pulling out an account age via GEM-CAR.)
Take out a report of the cheque list of the month (in PDF and Excel) and enter the cheque list in your accounting software: yes, each cheque must have a date. FAQ...
Save all these reports to a file on your server for each month (make a backup copy.... these files will not be in GEM-CAR backup) 

Once you have mastered these steps, save some time… Yes, you can use the GL
transaction summary report to skip some steps. You still need the detail in Excel.

If you manage inventory

Pull out the inventory value based on a specific date, FAQ...
Enter a general ledger transaction to reflect inventory left and the cost of goods sold.
Print a report of the value of the returns, FAQ...
Enter a general ledger transaction to reflect the value of the credit still pending, FAQ...
Pull out the inventory list with the products showing a negative quantity. FAQ...

If you are using the punch clock

Pull out the performance report by technician, FAQ...

Every three months

Tax report, FAQ...