The Environmental Management Fee (EMF) is a mandatory fee charged by the appropriate provincial government, and it is collected to offset the costs of recycling end-of-life products. (ex: management of used oils, gloves and so on)

Note: DO NOT USE if you have an accounting bridge.

You can configure the charges in two ways in GEM-CAR:

  • From the main menu, go to [Configuration] > [Company management]:

  • Click on the "Taxes" button,

  • Select a tax group (above),
  • Click in the empty box below the configured tax,
  • Click the {+} to add a new tax,
    Note: The use of the term "environmental tax" is legally prohibited.
  • Enter the initials of the fee (ex: EMF),
  • Enter the Number,
  • Enter the GL Code for Sale and the GL Code for Purchase,
  • Click on the diskette to save,

  • Click twice on the new line created to add it,

  • Click twice in each of the boxes in the new tax row to enter:
    - The Rate,
    - The Effective Date,
    - A maximum amount (optional),
    - Check the "Cumulative" box,
    - Click on the diskette to save.

Follow the FAQ Configuration of the workshop equipment by making the following changes:

- Choose a different Product Code (ex: EMF),
- Choose a different Description (ex: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FEES),
- Choose a Percentage (%),
- Choose a different Max Amount