- Go to an estimate in the POS and select the items you wish to enter in the supplier invoice.
- Click on the button “Purchase”.
- The purchase window will appear.
- Enter the supplier and invoice number.
- In the list of items in the purchase order, enter the core value in the “$” column.
- If you wish to bill it to the client, uncheck the box in the “OK” column, otherwise, it will be added to the core list to be sent for a credit note.
- The incorrect core will be billed to the client and will be entered in the POS.
- The correct core will appear in the core’s credit note.
- You can consult the list and its status by clicking on the “Old Core” button in the POS.
- When you receive your credit note, you can delete the line by pressing the “-“.
Note: There are no accounting transactions. The module is only used for conducting follow up. The accounting component must be addressed when you enter the credit note in your accounting system.