How to decide on your minimum?
Daily consumption:
- Annual quantity consumed divided by the number of working days (220 days)
Resupplying time:
- How often you will send your orders to your supplier considering 1 day for delivery.
Minimum stock = Daily consumption * Resupplying time
(round up to the nearest whole number)
Example 1:
300 filters per year of a rotating model / 220
Daily consumption = 1.36
The minimum order list is issued on Monday, so 5 working days + 1 day of delivery time
Minimum = 6*1.36 = 8.18 = 9 units
Example 2:
100 filters per year of a rotating model /220
Daily consumption = 0.45
The minimum order list is issued on Monday, so 5 working days + 1 day of delivery time
Minimum = 6*0.45 = 2.72 = 3 units