After completing the task of creating and sending reminders at the End of the Month (or as you have decided to send them), it is possible to review the effectiveness of our job to know how many of the estimates have been turned into a sale.
However, first of all, in order to be able to have accurate data, we need to indicate to GEM-CAR the reminders that have become WON thanks to our effort deployed.
This can be done directly from your POS:
1. Open the POS and DO NOT select any customer
2. Click on REMINDERS:
3.In the new window open ALL REMINDERS: you can search the reminder by Name, VIN, date…
4. Select the client’s reminder
5. In the drop-down menu at the bottom right corner, change the status to WON
6. GEM-CAR will change the color of the reminder from red to GREEN
7. Save
So a simple method to check the results and effectiveness of reminders, it is directly from the ALL REMINDERS window as we can see in GREEN the reminders WON.
However, it is possible to obtain a more detailed report of reminders. To do so:
1. From the main menu: go to Reports / Customer Management
2. In the new window REPORTS: select CLIENTS / REMINDERS REPORT / PRINT REMINDERS STATISTICS / (choose the dates of the report)
3. Click on PRINTER icon to produce the report
4. The report will provide you the list of the reminders and how many have been WON: