Most of the time, when you sell a tire, you have to install it and it's pretty much the same kit. This FAQ will show you how to easily link this kit to your tire category so that every time you sell a tire from that category, GEM-CAR will automatically add the linked kit to the work order.

Useful links

Tire installation kit configuration

From the main menu, go to "Inventory Management > Management of Kits":

  • Create or select the tire installation kit,
  • In the middle section, check {fa-check-square-o } Can be linked,
    • {fa-info circle} This will make the kit available to be linked
  • Click the disk {fa-save} in that same section to save.

Tire category configuration

From the main menu, go to "Inventory Management > Sales and Expense categories management":

  • (1) Create or select a tire category (Category Type = TIRES),
  • (2) Go down to the "Linked" field,
    • Type in the tire installation kit code,
    • Press [Enter] on your keyboard,
    • {fa-info-circle} You can also use the {fa-search} to select the kit from the linkable products window.
    • {fa-info-circle} Remember to double-click to select an item from that window.
  • (3) Click the disk {fa-save} to save.