Option available since version 9.2
- Click on the second tab "General Information",
- In the middle section, go to "Returns category",
- Enter the category number you want to assign the returns or click the spy glass {fa-search} to select one.
- If the "Returns category" field is empty, the "Default category" number will be used.
- If the return product is already in inventory, the category of the existing product will be used.
- These changes will only affect the new (core) returns.
- Once you've entered a category, click the disk {fa-save} to save.
During a purchase in the "Receive parts with invoices" window,
- Enter the code of the product that has the core value,
- On that same line, under the column "$ Core", enter the core value,
- Complete the line or click on the disk to save
- After saving, GEM-CAR automatically creates a core item and puts it in the Returns maintenance.
- {fa-info-circle} The code of the core item will be composed with a prefix "C-" followed by the original product code. E.g.: the core item of a product with a code "BATTERY" will have the code "C-BATTERY". (feature added to version 9.1)