The customer link for invoicing allows GEM-CAR to know that the invoices for a specific customer will be often paid by the linked customer (e.g.: insurer, employer, parent, etc...).

Here are some situations where the customer link can be very useful:
  • The insurance company is paying the invoices for the customer
  • The employer is paying the invoices for their employees
  • A parent is paying the repairs for a son

{fa-warning} Warning:
  • When a linked customer is set. He will not automatically pay all the customer's invoices. GEM-CAR will ask you to decide who to charge for each invoice.
  • Even when the repair invoices are paid by the linked customer, they are always attached to a vehicle. therefore will only display in the history of the account of the vehicle's owner.

A customer that can be linked is a customer (or a company) that will often pay the repairs for another customer (eg.: Insurance company, employer, parent, etc...). Both customers must be created in GEM-CAR.

From the main menu or the Point of Sale, go to "Customer management":

  • In the top section, search and select the customer that can be linked,
  • In the bottom section, go to the "Customer Information" tab,
  • Next to the customer number, check the box:
    • {fa-check-square-o} Can be linked,
  • Click the disk {fa-save} to save.
This customer will now be part of the list of customers (companies) that can be linked to other customers.

From the main menu or the Point of Sale, go to "Customer management":

  • In the top section, search and select the customer that can be linked,
  • In the bottom section, go to the "Customer Information" tab,
  • In the field "Invoice this customer", type in the customer's number that can be linked,
    • or click the spyglass {fa-search} to pick a customer. See the next section of this FAQ for more information about that search window.
  • Click the disk {fa-save} to save.

When you click the spyglass {fa-search} next to the field "Invoice this customer" in the "Customer management" window, a new window will open:

{fa-warning} Warning:
If you have already checked the box {fa-check-square-o} Can be linked for some customers, only these customers will show in the list. Otherwise GEM-CAR will automatically display all customers in the database by default.

To display all customers, click the spyglass {fa-search}.

To search for a customer to link, use the search fields (Name, Address, Telephone) and press [ENTER] on your keyboard {fa-keyboard-o } to launch the search.

To pick a customer from the list, double-click the customer's line.

From the Point of Sale, open a work order (or estimate) for the customer who owns the vehicle to be diagnosed:

  • When you print the estimate or invoice, GEM-CAR will always ask you who to charge,
  • Click "Yes" to bill the linked customer (e.g.: insurance, employer, etc...),
    • or click "No" to bill the current customer.

To find all the customers that are linked to a specific customer (e.g.: Insurance company, etc...), go to "Customer management":

  • At the bottom of the window, click the spyglass {fa-search} to activate the search mode,
  • In the field "Invoice this customer", type in the linked customer's number,
  • Press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard  {fa-keyboard-o } to launch the search.
{fa-check } GEM-CAR will display a list of all the customers linked to that specific customer.