Simple National account procedure

  • Sell tires to a national account customer via the Point of Sale with National account set a payment mode see 
  • Enter credit note using a negative entry and a distribution to the National Account GL
    • without adding the tax distribution: else you pay the taxes twice,

National account is a hard concept to understand in the day to day process... so here is the list of transaction that will be generated in GEM-CAR behind the scene. 


GL Range Description

 Description                   GL

 Asset 1 000
 Liabilities 2 000 
 Equities 3 000 
 Cost of goods 4 000 
 Sales 5 000
 Administrative Expenses 6 000

 Initial Purchase

 Description  DT CT 
 Tire Purchases (4300) 50 000   
 Tax  (1300)   7 500   
 Account Payable (2300)   

57 500 


Note: It might be a good procedure to set this supplier without tax, since you will make one purchase for 100 credit memo without tax.


Standard Sales Transaction

 Description DT   CT
 Goodyear Account National - Payment mode - GL 1211  1 150  
 Tire Sales (5300)    1 000
 Sales Tax  (2300)       150


Note: Every National Account supplier must have is own GL in the active : it's a credit to received.


Credit Memo adjustment

Description  DT  CT 
 Account Payable (2300)      -1 150
 Goodyear Account National - Payment mode - GL 1211  -1 150    
Note: We are passing the transaction in the auxiliary since tax have already been paid in the initial transaction.... Else you will paid them twice. The credit memo should be non taxable, it's a payment