The heart of GEM-CAR is the calendar.
1. Color management tells us if the customer leaves the vehicle, needs a courtesy or a ride or if he is waiting: flexibility in schedule management.
2. Validation of reminders at the time to schedule the appointment of brake change with oil change.
3. Confirmation that all appointments are billed (blue color):
- The customer did not come: it can be rescheduled
- The car was left outside with the keys in the box
4. Scheduling appointments by duration, not by note length:
- 8 appointments for transmission change that takes one line
- A 30 minute oil change with 10 checks
6. The use of electronic punch.
7. Indication on the invoice of which technician has done the job (e.g. T1, T2).
8. Organization: order in which the jobs were done.
9. Repositioning of appointments in time.
10. Scheduling by specialty (display: tires, mechanics and truck).
10.5 Management of leaves / training.