Each computer can be configured to print labels on different printers in different sizes. For example: oil change on a Zebra 2" and tire labels on a Zebra 4".


NOTE: Buy a Zebra printer online via GEM-CAR's online ordering site and obtain free assistance on how to configure the printer with your software. Order a printer online

Configuring the oil change label printer

  • Install your label printer's drivers.
  • Go to the Windows "Start" menu, then to "Devices and Printers".
  • Select the Zebra printer.
  • Right-click to select "Printer properties".

In the "Properties" menu, click on the "Preferences" button.


Go to the size tab.

  • Click on "new" to add a size or "change" to make a change
  • Create a style "Oil"
    • Choose the size:
    • Width 5.08
    • Height 5.55
  • Save.

Return to the option tab.

  • Select the speed 7.6 cm/s.
  • Choose a temperature of 5.
  • Choose the size "Oil".

Go to the tab "Advanced settings".

  • Select "thermal transfer" in continuous mode.

Configuring the Zebra bar code label printer in GEM-CAR

  • Go to the Configuration / Local Configuration menu.
  • Select the option "Product labels".
  • In the scroll-down printer menu, choose Zebra .
  • Save by clicking on the diskette icon on the bottom right (not the one in the grid).