In an effort to ensure the future viability of independent, banner or franchised automotive and truck repair centers and continue to provide a high level of service and quality repairs to our customers, we must take the necessary steps to communicate our message to the government and insist that the all automotive manufacturers must provide unrestricted access to important and up-to-date technical and repair information to all automotive repair centers and not only their dealership network.The entire GEM-CAR team has gotten involved and invite you to do so as well. There’s also no reason not to, as it requires less than 5 minutes of your time.
By every available statistic, it is clear that the shear volume of automobiles and trucks on the Canadian landscape can never be serviced properly and solely by the repair facilities of dealerships only. Therefore independent, banner and franchised automotive and truck repair centers must be provided proper technical information in order to protect consumers in general.
Taking the lead from AIA Canada’s initiative, GEM-CAR urges you, your staff, neighbours and family members to visit the web link below and follow the Right to Repair prompts. The process is simple and automated and will let your member of parliament know how you feel about this important issue that is critical to the future of our businesses. or
From our team to yours, thank-you for taking action and being part of the solution!