GEM-CAR proud partner of the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) for providing Shop Management Software to manage the maintenance of its vehicles, which operates the most widely used urban public transport system in Canada. The STM is also one of the most widely used rapid transit systems in North America. In fact, in 2019, the average daily ridership is 2,297,600 passengers: 977,400 by bus, 1,306,500 by rapid transit and 13,700 by paratransit.
The STM is the public transit agency that operates bus and rapid transit services in Montreal. Founded in 1861, it has grown to include four metro lines with a total of 68 stations, as well as over 186 bus lines and 23 night lines. The STM was created in 2002 to replace the Montreal Urban Community Transport Company (STCUM).