We create business opportunities for our partners!
GEM-CAR is a family that brings together more than 46,000 users in 39 countries. The company has developed a network of authorized partners, made up of accountants and experts in the automotive world. Our partners have the necessary skills to support our customers in the selection of modules that will best meet their needs and in the implementation of their workshop management system.
We participate in the main automotive shows around the world
- Automechanika in Germany next September: read more…
- Equip Auto de Paris next October: Read more …
GEM-CAR allows mechanical workshops to improve their productivity, increase their sales and improve the services offered to their customers via automated callback, preventive maintenance, as well as email and text message communication solutions. On the other side, we assist our distributors to create loyalty by integrating online parts catalogs.
Will you become a distributor of GEM-CAR solutions?
Contact Kevin King
1 866-848-8282
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