GEM-CAR is proud to partner with the prestigious automotive association CAA, by implementing its new digital inspection software with certified inspection centers. Indeed in 2020 and 2021, the Gustavsson Brand Trust Index named CAA as the most trusted brand in Canada.
Founded in 1913, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) is a federation of eight not-for-profit regional automobile associations in Canada. Constituent associations (also referred to as "clubs") are responsible for providing roadside assistance, auto touring and leisure travel services, insurance services, and member discount programs within their service territories. The CAA's national office in Ottawa coordinates relations between clubs, oversees joint initiatives and lobbies the federal government.
“Our partners asked us to go digital, we listened to them and equipped our recommended inspection workshops with the most innovative technologies in digital inspection.” Jacques Maheux, Director of Operations for CAA Quebec
CAA Quebec: 444, rue Bouvier, Quebec (Quebec) G2J 1E3, Canada,