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Version 11 | ![]() |
- GEM- CHECK is the digital GEM-WORK inspection that enables the technician to complete the checklist digitally and take notes.
- Order online $50/month
- New web tool to enable you to try new catalogue and get the live update without downloading a new GEM-CAR version... Move your link to "Version 2.0"
- Partstech ( FREE web site to shop on multiple distributors with GEM-LINK )
- A support member can assist you with configuration.
- New learning approach of GEM-CAR -
- Discover all the hidden functions of your GEM-CAR available from the Point of Sale.
- "FAQ" buttons have been added to many windows for easy access to help.

- A new design of the "Help" window from the Point of Sale
- Better visual and more content added to the Help window.
- New "GEMINAR" button added for easy access to our GEMINAR (Live online training sessions).
- New design of the "Glass Module" window
- New visual, improved management of the insurance billing, fast entry window, ...
- New design of the "Equipment and car rental" window
- New visual, legal notes and title customization.
- New payment method on-demand at invoicing
- At the "Receive Payment" window, you can now quickly add a new payment method by clicking an empty button. No need to cancel the payment and leave the window.
- New general option (108) to automatically add new items to permanent inventory
- When this option is activated, new items from the Point of Sale will be automatically added to permanent inventory without prompts.
- A question will only be asked when the option "Inventory follow-up" is not checked for the item's category.
- New general option (109) to activate and use colours in the calendar (Appointment scheduler)
- Use colours to show available scheduling time in the calendar.
- New general option (110) to switch the Engine and Cylinder values when decoding a vehicle
- You can now switch the Engine and Cylinder values when decoding vehicles.
- New easy access to the kits/packages from the Point of Sale -
- Right-click an item on the estimate/work order to open the "Kits Management" window.
- Plus, if the selected item is part of a kit, the kit will be selected automatically in the "Kit Management" window.
- Improvement of the "Performance by work bay/technician report"
- When using the punch clock, billed hours on a job are now distributed to all the technicians who worked on the job.
- Improvement on tire sizes with decimals
- Decimals are now accepted in tire size. Therefore you can now search for tire sizes with decimals.
- Fix added to VIN decoding of some Hyundai vehicles
- For some Hyundai vehicles, an extra "U" was being added to the VIN number, making it impossible to decode.
- Improvement on the "Accounts payables ageing" report
- The detailed option of the accounts payables ageing report will now display the payments in chronological order (from old to recent).
- Fix added to shop supplies with kits/packages
- Shop supplies (if used) will now be added to the kits/packages automatically.
- AUTOSERV 1 integration is completed
- One way integration has been improved
- Punch clock windows: technician note
- Scroll down feature was added
VERSION 11.0.3
GEM-TEAM improved small element to make your experience better
- The image on the Glass Repair: improved on the standard invoice.
- The image on the Car Rental agreement: improved.
- All reports in the report section now have a fine number in the top left corner as a reference to the GEM-CAR report structure: make it easier to locate the report for accurate communication.
- 2 standard oil change stickers where added.
- GEM-MECHANIC Link from the POS is now linking to 22 technical videos to promote your services.
- Performance Report: adjustment to the option made for a clean selection of option.
- Purchase: bug fix applied to the inventory transaction ( V 10.0.72 + to V11.0.1)
o GEM-TEAM can run a hidden procedure to fix past transactions if there are no manual adjustments made.
VERSION 11.0.4
GEM-TEAM improved in a super-fast update
- issues regarding most recent Microsoft update causing issues while printing invoices and sending an invoice by email.
- The connectivity class of over 350 reports enhanced to
- Eliminate the risk of a new issue caused by a Microsoft update,
- Improve speed,
- Simplify future maintenance.
NOTE: if you have an accounting bridge, the update needs to be done manually by one of our agents... Contact us by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set an appointment.
VERSION 11.0.5
GEM-TEAM improved in a super-fast update for 11.0.4 and have now fixed the last little items related too
- Using multiple icons of Gem-Car, the reports don’t work properly. They are showing empty.
- Printing any invoice, there is a big space between each description line.
- Printing the end of the day, 3rd report and the 5th report doesn’t work.
- The performance report wasn't printing correctly.
- The GEM-CAR patch wasn't working well for the 64-bit computer.
- Exporting from Office 365 cause problem.
NOTE: if you have an accounting bridge, the update needs to be done manually by one of our agents... Contact us by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set an appointment.
We want to thank's All of our customers for their patience !!!
With GEM-LINK, you can now update the link tool without having to wait for a new release of GEM-CAR.
- Fixed added to the automatic login and the cart transfer due to the new website: https://www.dpars.com/en/Account/Login
Auto-e cat (template: AMS)
- Fix added to the automatic login and the cart transfer.
New tool to enable you to try a new catalogue and get a live update without downloading a new GEM-CAR version... Move your link to "Version 2.0"
Minor improvement
- End of day reports are fully functional with PDF export tested.
- The standard invoice report layout is completely refined and improved.
- Installation configurations scenarios for multi-location, client-server and cloud are also improved.
Minor improvements
- Issues when sending an invoice by email: fixing the blank logo.
- Adjustment of the $ sign of the invoice.
Minor improvements
- Add a message when transferring part for the Alliance integration when the configuration isn't completed.
- Improved punch clock report for payroll.
- Inventory transaction improvement related to quantity adjustment when invoicing.