The period we are currently going through brings its share of challenges.
One of these challenges for employees is to clean and disinfect their courtesy vehicles as well as customer vehicles.
Customers are now rightly demanding that their replacement vehicle be clean and that no trace of COVID-19 or any other virus be found inside.
And expect their vehicle to be treated and disinfected!
One of these challenges for employees is to clean and disinfect their courtesy vehicles as well as customer vehicles.
Customers are now rightly demanding that their replacement vehicle be clean and that no trace of COVID-19 or any other virus be found inside.
And expect their vehicle to be treated and disinfected!
The use of a mixture of bleach with water works but there is a long-term risk of damaging the interior of vehicles. Environize Canada offers you their Anolyte ULV 50 with DIN# 02410605.
It is used by veterinarians, dentists and the medical sector. The Anolyte ULV 500 is odorless organic and requires no protection when used. It can be used to disinfect vehicles or any other place such as office space and residences.
Stickers to be affixed to vehicle windows are available to demonstrate that the vehicle has been disinfected.
The safest way is to always use a disinfectant with a number commonly referred to as a “DIN” for Drug Identification Number.
This eight-digit number proves that the product is approved by Health Canada. Click on image to enlarge |
The product is atomized either with a Tornador spray or with an electric mist. The amount of product to disinfect a complete vehicle is approximately 75ml.
For online orders : click here
Anolyte ULV 500 $69.50.00 4 liters
Anolyte ULV 500 $325.00 20 liters
Tornador high velocity with brush EG-1008 $255.00
ULV Fogger $1,495.95