GEM-CAR, the most complete shop management, has now released a full integration of Mitchell 1 ProDemand® repair guide software.

It’s a fact, GEM-CAR now becomes the first Shop Management software to offer under the same roof an SMS, full CRM, electronic punch clock, digital inspection and finance for customers repair.  Adding the integration with the ProDemand labor guide, just make GEM-CAR the most complete software for the automotive industry. 

Mitchell 1 provides premium automotive repair guide software for professional auto care shops. They started over 100 years ago with technical information about auto repairs and branched out to offer auto or truck repair shop packages designed for independent auto repair and commercial truck repair businesses.

  • Mitchell 1 provides premium automotive repair guide and labor guide software for professional automotive service shops. 
  • Mitchell’s 1 ProDemand® solution provides comprehensive information on repairs of the manufacturer’s original equipment – actual Suretrack fixes – provided by automotive repair technicians. 
  • Prodemand gives you access to a growing database of professional car repair information. The whole program, also suitable for mobile phones to meet all your needs. 
It is also the only complete repair information software for Class 4-8 trucks – the Truck Series asset of the software. It combines scalable color wiring diagrams, digital images, trouble code diagnostic procedures and hand estimation-work to give you the advanced repair information solution that you cannot find in another software.

GEM-CAR users can now save time by transferring the “labour” and the “parts” directly to their point of sales on the current estimate simply by activating their integration. “ Concluded Marc-André Boulianne, CTO

To activate this new complementary feature, call our technical support at 1-866-848-8282.


Commercial Truck — TruckSeries from Mitchell1 is the only comprehensive repair information software suite of its kind available for Class 4-8 trucks, delivering a one-stop, single log-in, all-makes data resource with scalable wiring diagrams, digital pictures, DTC-to-diagnostics, and so much more, all delivered in seconds.
Mitchell 1 is located at 16067 Babcock Street, San Diego CA 92127, USA.